What does SDC offer?
We offer a variety of services and partnership opportunities, and our list is growing!Â
Member schools receive annual professional development trainings, on-demand consultation with our team of child development experts, access to SDC's content and resources, and a customized report highlighting strengths and offering recommendations to support your teaching teams and enhance your preschool environments.
SDC Membership
SDC partners with early childhood education centers to enhance their integration of social-emotional learning, speech and language development skills, and sensory and motor development skills into their program, curriculum, and overall classroom.
Assessment & Evaluation
We focus on supporting individual children for whom the school aims to create a more inclusive environment. Our recommendations not only address the specific child's needs but also enhance inclusivity for all current and future students
Making Classrooms Inclusive
Our pediatric occupational therapist will visit your site to collaborate with you in designing, redesigning, or rearranging your classroom environment to support the developmental needs of the children who use it. The classroom itself is often considered 'the third teacher,' which is why creating an inclusive, developmentally appropriate space is so essential for growth and learning."
Classroom Environment Design Consultation
Our team of child development experts offers Professional Development trainings for SDC Members and a-la-carte. Our trainings are conducted by our Mental Health Clinician, our Pediatric OT and our Pediatric SLP, we have a long list of topics we cover and are open to personalized requests.
Professional Development Trainings
We do presentations and facilitate learning opportunities for the community. This may be for the caregivers of the children attending preschool or anyone in the community that is interested in topics related to child-development.
Community Workshops
We are working on a short video series for our Member Schools to provide to their newly enrolled families. The transition to preschool is a big one, our video series has some great tips and things to keep in mind as your little ones get ready for their first day!
Video Series for Caregivers: Preparing Kiddos for Preschool
We are working on a short video series for our Member Schools to have available for teachers as the new school year begins. We have some great tips and things to keep in mind as you welcome kiddos into their first school experience, and sometimes their first extended time away from loved ones.
Video Series for Educators: Welcoming Your Classroom of New Students